Patrick Henry High School Reunion Class of 1984 - San Diego, CA
of 8
Getting Ready for Another Day of Learning
Getting Ready for Another Day of Learning
Darryl Surprenant, Lisa Sirois, Michelle Sandubrae and Eric January
Darryl Surprenant, Lisa Sirois, Michelle Sandubrae and Eric January
Michelle Sandubrae and Lisa Sirois
Michelle Sandubrae and Lisa Sirois
Cheer Squad Cheering the Patriots to a
Cheer Squad Cheering the Patriots to a "V"
Sandra Dawson
Sandra Dawson
Jon Wareham and Lisa Peete
Jon Wareham and Lisa Peete
Laura Somer, Karen Levy, ao and Dates
Laura Somer, Karen Levy, ? and Dates
New Wave Jennifer Berton
New Wave Jennifer Berton
Jennifer Berton and Greg Archambeault
Jennifer Berton and Greg Archambeault
IBSKEEN in San Diego with Actual Snow says the VW Bug
IBSKEEN in San Diego with Actual Snow says the VW Bug
Veronica O'Sullivan and Kym Curtis
Veronica O'Sullivan and Kym Curtis
Powderpuff Cheerleaders Doing Their
Powderpuff Cheerleaders Doing Their "Thing"
Kevin Tahan
Kevin Tahan
Nellia Frierson and Angie Denny
Nellia Frierson and Angie Denny
Our Cheerleaders During Powderpuff Football--Go Seniors
Our Cheerleaders During Powderpuff Football--Go Seniors
  Patrick Henry High School Class of 1984 - San Diego, CA
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